Assessment Methodologies
Locate endpoints on a network:
Identify vulnerabilities in services:
Scan services & versions with nmap.
searchsploit (to search for exploits & vulnerabilities)
nmap scripts: locate /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep service
msf: db_autopwn making db_nmap before or analyze command and then vuln
Identify the OS of an objective:
nmap -O
rpcclient -U “” -N IPobj -> srvinfo
smb-os-discovery (script nmap)
enum4linux -O IPobj
enum4linux -S IPobj
nc IPobj 22 (the SSH service tells you the O.S.)
Identify open ports & services from an objective
nmap -sS -p- -n -Pn --open IPobj
nmap -sV -p 21,22,etc -n -Pn --open IPobj
metasploit (search portscan or db_nmap)
Extract information from Open Source Platforms:
In the webpage.
robots.txt (hidden directories of the web server)
Source code (it may be hidden things)
Sitemap.xml/sitemaps.xml (facilitates the index of the web for the browser)
whois xwebpage (to extract information of the website: when it was registered, who owns it, what hosting company were registered through, CIDR =network range; Orgname= name of the organization) > services > internet data mining > internet research tools (combine whois, if there are SSL or TLS, the web technologies of the website, the name servers)
dnsrecon -d (identify the records of a particular domain; NS = name server addresses; MX = mail service address (the “postman”); A=IPv4 address; AAAA=IPv6 address; TXT=txtrecord)
sublist3r -d (search for subdomains using OSINT)
Compile technical information from open sources:
In the webpage may be information.
whatweb -a=1 (enumerate technologies doing a stealth scan)
wafw00f (can add the -a parameter)
Recopilar correos electrónicos de fuentes públicas:
In the webpage may be information.
theHarvester -d -b google,linkedin,yahoo,dnsdumpster,duckduckgo,crtsh (search for emails doing OSINT, found mails can be used to search on leaked passwords databases like the below, because sometimes the users use to reutilice passwords).
BreachDirectory (the best)
Evaluate information & criticality or impact of vulnerabilities:
Nessus or OpenVAS
exploit-db or searchsploit
Search in google “service version CVE”
SCAP scan & STIGVIEWER (scan the PC and evaluate the vulnerabilities that it have).
Last updated